MPAT Editing

Choose a Navigation Model


MPAT currently provides three different navigation models that can be used to navigate the pages of your HbbTV App:

These have to be defined before you can preview an MPAT site/HbbTV App.


Create a Page Layout


The Page Layout defines the layout of a page of the HbbTV App without defining and including any media content. Every Page Layout that is being published can be used for building new pages. There is a grid which helps editors scale and position objects in 10px steps. The grid can be made visible by ticking the box SHOW GRID LINES.


Layout Builder

Layout Builder – View for a new Page Layout with size and position displayed

Create a Page


The actual Pages of an HbbTV App can be created with the help of a previously defined Page Layout. This way, the general concept of an HbbTV app can be defined using Page Layouts and specific media content can be adapted per page without breaking the application.


To preview changes to a page, you can open the PAGE LINK and the page of the HbbTV App will be shown in the browser.

Howto use specific Components in a Page

MPAT-Plugins brings a bundle of different HbbTV related Components. How to add a Component to a Page is described in the section above. Here you will find, how to setup a specific Component for your application. Just choose one Component on the list and find a short tutorial on how to edit this Component to your preffered settings.

  1. Audio
  2. Broadcast
  3. Clone
  4. Data
  5. Gallery
  6. Image
  7. Launcher
  8. Link
  9. List
  10. Menu
  11. Red Button
  12. Scribble Live
  13. Scrolled Text
  14. Text
  15. Toggle Tracking
  16. Video

Create a Hotspot


A hotspot is an interactive icon that can be used to show additional information like text, video or audio. Accordingly, three types of hotspot icons exist, text, video and audio, as illustrated in Fig. 5-3.


Figure 5‑3: Hotspot Icons

The general idea of a hotspot is to add it as additional information on top of a larger image, for instance.


Configure the Navigation

Define a Start Page


You have to define the first page of your HbbTV app, i.e. the Landing Page of your website-style application or the actual first page of your SlideFlow application. In an hmtl setting this would be the index.html.


Add a Menu to Connect Pages


Individual or even all pages can be selected through a menu component in order to jump to the pages immediately. A menu is a content component that has to be added as a box when creating the page layout (Create a Page Layout) and be defined as a content component Menu when creating the page (Create a Page).



Pages can be connected by links in order to navigate to them. This is in particular required when you your application implements the website navigation model and consists of more than one page. A link is a content component that has to be added as a box when creating the page layout (Create a Page Layout) and be defined as a content component Link when creating the page (Create a Page).


Define the Order of Pages (SlideFlow only)


You have to define the first page of your HbbTV app, i.e. the Landing Page of your website-style application or the actual first page of your SlideFlow application. In an hmtl setting this would be the index.html.


Customize the Application

The options described here are provided by the Appearance menu and have an effect on the overall MPAT site. Individual changes to the elements of an MPAT page can be made when configuring the content components under Component Style (see also Create a Page).


MPAT provides different options to customize the appearance of links.


Focus & Active Elements


In an HbbTV application you navigate with the arrow keys of your Remote Control. If the application contains interactive elements like videos, links, etc., these have to be selected (navigate to them with the arrow keys) and activated (press OK) to interact with them, i.e., start the video or jump to the link). As a visual orientation it is recommended that the active component has a border to give the user visual feedback on which element is currently in focus or out of focus.


Publish the Application


As soon as all pages are published, the application will be published as well.
